
Downtown Debriefing Series- May

200 North Ashley Drive
Tampa, FL 33602 United States
Sheraton Tampa Riverwalk Hotel
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 (8:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)
Event Details

Join us for the May Downtown Debriefing Breakfast at the Hotel Tampa Riverwalk. We will hear from first responders and environmental and weather experts who will provide a unique perspective on hurricane preparedness in the Tampa Bay area, as well as share services that are available for residents and businesses during the approach of a storm. 

Breakfast and Networking from 8:00-8:45am; Program from 8:45-10am.


 Matt Anderson - Tampa National Weather Service

 Chris Cooley - Port Tampa Bay

 Chief Barbara Tripp - Tampa Fire Rescue

 Riley Tuff - City of Tampa 

Gold Sponsor:

Location Sponsor:

Additional Information
Event Contact:
Julie Sabolic
Contact Organization:
Tampa Downtown Partnership
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